Hoofdpagina Research

Working hands-on, this was the starting point of 
Apemanagement setting up Patrick van Veen, 
he started the initiative in 2012 to do more 
The guiding motto was always translating 
science to knowledge in which we used existing 
scientific research. However, not all questions
were answered and therefore our own research 
became more important.

We finance as much of the research as possible. Our goal is to satisfy our curiosity, to answer questions and to take the experience with the lectures and trainings. A number of studies are carried out in collaboration with Universities and there is room for a small number of research students every year. We carry out a number of experiments on behalf of TV programs 

Work areas 

What influences cooperation positively or negatively? To what extent are people willing to share? How does one deal with information? Who takes risks and who avoids risk? These are a number of the studies that we have carried out in recent years with chimpanzees and orang utans. Always with the aim to gain insight into the basic motives of our behaviour. 

The challenge is often to design an experimental setup that is enriching for chimpanzees and that encourages them to cooperate voluntarily. Then the question is also whether we actually measure what we want to investigate. Conducting research on chimpanzees not only provides us with a lot of information about the primal instincts of our behaviour in the results. It also teaches us to think from a different perspective.

What choices do we make when it comes to love? How do we respond under peer pressure? What is the effect of conformism? 
In recent years we have conducted a number of classic and new experiments to investigate group behaviour. But research into the use of social media in education also yielded important results.

Bullying and social dynamics in the classroom
Together with the Radboud University, we conduct research into bullying behaviour among school children. The aim is to gain more insight into the why children are bullying. From Apemanagement we bring qualified professionals from the biologist (such as observations) into social scientific research. At this moment the focus is on the influence of the teacher and his social dynamics in the classroom.  
"Just like people, chimpanzees can recognize themselves in a mirror, 
we should only use them more often"

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