Hoofdpagina Eduction

Perhaps the most important similarity between people and apes is that they both have a long childhood. A quarter of your life to learn and discover. That is why apes can teach us a lot about behaviour of children and adolescents.

In education we focus on the developments of teams and the changes as well as the bullying behaviour in children and how to signal this.

Work areas

Becoming aware, observing and signalling. Tools and skills for teachers to better identify and distinguish bullying from, for example, teasing. If you identify behaviour effectively, you can also intervene more effectively. 

On the basis of knowledge from behavioural biology and research in education together with the Radboud University Nijmegen, tools such as signalling cards and training courses have been developed. 

TEAM Development
As an organisation, education has special characteristics. Because teachers spend an important part of their working time with students, there is relatively little time for social interactions with colleagues. That is why it is good to recognise the right challenges with changes and cooperation.
But education also has to do with a strongly changing work field, think of the influence of technology, the role of parents, appropriate education, shortage of teachers, but also a decline of students. 
Lectures, training sessions and workshops that we offer for organizations are tailored for education to match the specific challenges of the moment. 
"We are the radiologists of the training world: 
together we find the cause of the pain before we start treatment"

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